Hi! I've taken Blake's branch and had some users give it a good once-over and I think it's finally ready to go. A squashed and rebased branch is available here: https://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/jboyer/lp1174498_mmpbbt_signoff_pr / working/user/jboyer/lp1174498_mmpbbt_signoff_pr including release notes. I'll admit I'm out of practice at putting together live tests so if we want a test for this I'll need a hand on that front. It's so close! Let's close a 7 year old bug! :)
Hi! I've taken Blake's branch and had some users give it a good once-over and I think it's finally ready to go. A squashed and rebased branch is available here: https:/ /git.evergreen- ils.org/ ?p=working/ Evergreen. git;a=shortlog; h=refs/ heads/user/ jboyer/ lp1174498_ mmpbbt_ signoff_ pr / working/ user/jboyer/ lp1174498_ mmpbbt_ signoff_ pr including release notes. I'll admit I'm out of practice at putting together live tests so if we want a test for this I'll need a hand on that front. It's so close! Let's close a 7 year old bug! :)