I guess we should keep this a wait-and-see/opinion.
1.Regarding the weight, WingPanel definitely contributes to the weight of the display. Just like how artwork is framed with a matte, the desktop is framed by the combination of the display bezel and WingPanel (which adds weight to the top). Not having an anchor point at the bottom makes it feel top-heavy which I think is why it feels so off to me.
2. It's always visible unless a user explicitly hides it by maximizing, and even then it's still there (just hiding). If it were transient, we'd do the opposite; always hidden unless explicitly called up.
3a. Icon bug? ;) To be honest, would it be possible to do the same thing as window borders where we draw them as semi-transparent so they're more adaptive?
3b. Except that when an app is maximized there is the exact same chance of it overlapping (100%). Having the half width just clutters things IMHO.
3c. Should've phrased that better. No, the icons shouldn't stand out on their own, but they need to be distinguishable. Also, I don't think a stark white bar fades into much of anything.
4. We've always had it that way for our official releases. ;) Obviously something made it change from using a light dock to a dark one for the release.
5. For sure people will complain, but this has been less, "boo hiss it's different" and more, "what the fuck it's completely broken."
6. As far as trolls go, I'm not feeding them; I'm managing realistic expectations. We *will* get shit for it. And if that was the only complaint, I would be fine (fuck the trolls). But the fact that there are the other issues in addition to it make me second-guess it.
I guess we should keep this a wait-and- see/opinion.
1.Regarding the weight, WingPanel definitely contributes to the weight of the display. Just like how artwork is framed with a matte, the desktop is framed by the combination of the display bezel and WingPanel (which adds weight to the top). Not having an anchor point at the bottom makes it feel top-heavy which I think is why it feels so off to me.
2. It's always visible unless a user explicitly hides it by maximizing, and even then it's still there (just hiding). If it were transient, we'd do the opposite; always hidden unless explicitly called up.
3a. Icon bug? ;) To be honest, would it be possible to do the same thing as window borders where we draw them as semi-transparent so they're more adaptive?
3b. Except that when an app is maximized there is the exact same chance of it overlapping (100%). Having the half width just clutters things IMHO.
3c. Should've phrased that better. No, the icons shouldn't stand out on their own, but they need to be distinguishable. Also, I don't think a stark white bar fades into much of anything.
4. We've always had it that way for our official releases. ;) Obviously something made it change from using a light dock to a dark one for the release.
5. For sure people will complain, but this has been less, "boo hiss it's different" and more, "what the fuck it's completely broken."
6. As far as trolls go, I'm not feeding them; I'm managing realistic expectations. We *will* get shit for it. And if that was the only complaint, I would be fine (fuck the trolls). But the fact that there are the other issues in addition to it make me second-guess it.