Comment 29 for bug 22976

Revision history for this message
Jamie Kahn Genet (jamiekg) wrote :

ok, tried on all my old CRT iMacs. I do the following:

Originally Posted by twongkee
drop to console (ctrl - option F1)
** this means once you boot up to a blank screen hit the 'ctrl' key, the 'option' key and the F1 key all at the same time. you'll be in a terminal window. **

** if you need to log in use the name ubuntu to log in. **

and edit the X config file as follows:

** type this in exactly as you see it (vi is a terminal editor)**
sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf

change the frequencies in monitor section as follows:
** find this part in the file you are now in (xorg.conf) and make these changes **

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Generic Monitor"
Option "DPMS"
HorizSync 60-60
VertRefresh 43-117

** after the changes then hit the 'esc' or 'escape' key, then type ':wq'
** no 'quotes' -- but yes the ':' is part of the command
** that will write the changes to the file and quit from vi **

** restart X by typing: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart
** or maybe just hit 'ctrl' 'alt' 'delete'
that should be it. now ubuntu should start right up.

sadly under 6.06 it doesn't restart. Instead I get, upon saving the changes to /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and then typing sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart the following error: "Starting GNOME Display Manager... [fail]"