Comment 2 for bug 1776398

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Andy Botting (andybotting) wrote :

Hi Audrey.

Thanks for your comments.

I just had a quick Google, and came up with these couple of references from Amazon: (See bottom EC2 User Data section) (See Supported User-Data Formats, under the cloud-init heading)

They both suggest that cloud-init is the important factor here (not necessarily AWS) when dealing with GZip'd user-data, and cloud-init CAN handle it, if present.

My understanding is AWS/OpenStack Nova/whatever doesn't actually need to work with user-data itself, only store and serve it, so it's possible by not really dealing with it in any way.

So from the links above, I'd say:

1) does AWS instances allows gzipped user-data? Yes, cloud-init specifically deals with it (in Amazon Linux even).

2) does nova itself allows to pass gzipped user-data? Yes, I tested it by bypassing EC2API in our test cloud. Works.

3) does AWS protocol allows gzipped data? Yes, by actually allowing any data format, as long as the underlying processing handles it, and in the universal case of cloud-init, Yes.

4) Is it possible to pass gzipped data via CLI/UI? Yes.
I was testing with something like: 'nova boot --image xxx --flavor xxx --user-data user-data.yaml.gz testvm'
And my user-data.yaml before gzipping looked like:

merge_type: 'list(append)+dict(recurse_array)+str()'
  - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1......

I hope I've supplied enough evidence here to demonstrate this bug should not be marked as 'Invalid'.