I read through this, because I am rethinking Déjà Dups handling of this.
As far as I understand the only concern against changing to socket.gethostname() is, that this might not be backwards compatible. Which is indeed a problem. So how about accepting both names when doing a backup (or restore) and setting the value from socket.gethostname() for new backups?
This would enable a smooth transition process. It of curse introduces a theoretical risk, that the hostname of one machine is used in the socket.getfqdn() of another machine. Although that case seems to be purely academic to me.
I read through this, because I am rethinking Déjà Dups handling of this.
As far as I understand the only concern against changing to socket. gethostname( ) is, that this might not be backwards compatible. Which is indeed a problem. So how about accepting both names when doing a backup (or restore) and setting the value from socket. gethostname( ) for new backups?
This would enable a smooth transition process. It of curse introduces a theoretical risk, that the hostname of one machine is used in the socket.getfqdn() of another machine. Although that case seems to be purely academic to me.
What do you think about this?