It may or may not be related, but before seeing this bug, I had run restore in a loop on different times, asynchronously, that is to say I used:
for x in `seq 10 15` duplicity --time {$x}D ... &
Note the ampersand, I forked them to a background process. THEN on top of that I hit CTRL-C to force a cancel. This may have corrupted a cache.
It may or may not be related, but before seeing this bug, I had run restore in a loop on different times, asynchronously, that is to say I used:
for x in `seq 10 15`
duplicity --time {$x}D ... &
Note the ampersand, I forked them to a background process.
THEN on top of that I hit CTRL-C to force a cancel. This may have corrupted a cache.