- [15:03:02] *** Connecting to x
- [15:03:02] *** Connected
- [15:03:02] <x> Running Iota Version of DSHub.
- [15:03:02] <x> Hub is up since Fri Aug 15 14:58:21 CEST 2008
- [15:03:02] <x> Nick not valid, please choose another
- [15:03:02] *** Connection closed
[08-08-15][15:04:01] <x> [config:] !cfg nick_chars .*
[08-08-15][15:04:02] <x> Nick_chars changed from "([\w\W]*)" to ".*".
.* means anything
still ended up with the same result
[08-08-15][15:20:28] <x> [config:] !cfg nick_chars ([\w\W]*)
[08-08-15][15:20:28] <X> Nick_chars changed from ".*" to "([\w\W]*)".
changed back still the same
then tried to restart hub crashed ask spookie for more details of the crash cause it didn't get back online
- [15:03:02] *** Connecting to x
- [15:03:02] *** Connected
- [15:03:02] <x> Running Iota Version of DSHub.
- [15:03:02] <x> Hub is up since Fri Aug 15 14:58:21 CEST 2008
- [15:03:02] <x> Nick not valid, please choose another
- [15:03:02] *** Connection closed
[08-08- 15][15: 04:01] <x> [config:] !cfg nick_chars .* 15][15: 04:02] <x> Nick_chars changed from "([\w\W]*)" to ".*".
.* means anything
still ended up with the same result
[08-08- 15][15: 20:28] <x> [config:] !cfg nick_chars ([\w\W]*) 15][15: 20:28] <X> Nick_chars changed from ".*" to "([\w\W]*)".
changed back still the same
then tried to restart hub crashed ask spookie for more details of the crash cause it didn't get back online