I can confirm that this still happens on LInux Mint 17.1:
[Fatal 10:20:26.064] [GLib] Source ID 95 was not found when attempting to remove it
[Fatal 10:20:26.065] [GLib] Source ID 99 was not found when attempting to remove it
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Set MONO_CAIRO_DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces
Exception in Gtk# callback delegate
Note: Applications can use GLib.ExceptionManager.UnhandledException to handle the exception.
System.Exception: Error 32: Broken pipe
at DBus.Unix.UnixSocket.Write (byte*,int) <0x0008b>
at DBus.Unix.UnixSocket.Write (byte[],int,int) <0x00067>
at DBus.Unix.UnixStream.Write (byte[],int,int) <0x0003b>
at System.IO.MemoryStream.WriteTo (System.IO.Stream) <0x00042>
at DBus.Protocol.MessageWriter.ToStream (System.IO.Stream) <0x00025>
at DBus.Protocol.Header.GetHeaderDataToStream (System.IO.Stream) <0x00067>
at DBus.Transports.Transport.WriteMessage (DBus.Protocol.Message) <0x00057>
at DBus.Connection.Send (DBus.Protocol.Message) <0x0005c>
at DBus.BusObject.SendSignal (string,string,string,DBus.Protocol.MessageWriter,System.Type,System.Exception&) <0x001f3>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) DBus.Protocol.MessageWriter.HandleItemAdded (DBus.BusObject,DBus.ObjectPath) <0x000f6>
at Docky.DBus.DockManagerDBus.OnItemAdded (DBus.ObjectPath) <0x0002c>
at Docky.DBus.DBusManager.RegisterItem (Docky.Items.AbstractDockItem) <0x000e7>
at Docky.Interface.DockWindow.RegisterItem (Docky.Items.AbstractDockItem) <0x00247>
at Docky.Interface.DockWindow.ProviderItemsChanged (object,Docky.Items.ItemsChangedArgs) <0x0007b>
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.EventHandler`1<Docky.Items.ItemsChangedArgs>.invoke_void__this___object_TEventArgs (object,Docky.Items.ItemsChangedArgs) <0x00069>
at Docky.Items.AbstractDockItemProvider.OnItemsChanged (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Docky.Items.AbstractDockItem>,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Docky.Items.AbstractDockItem>) <0x00067>
at Docky.Items.AbstractDockItemProvider.set_Items (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Docky.Items.AbstractDockItem>) <0x0056f>
at Docky.Items.FileApplicationProvider.RemoveTransientItems (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Docky.Items.WnckDockItem>) <0x00183>
at Docky.Items.FileApplicationProvider.UpdateTransientItems () <0x00817>
at Docky.Items.FileApplicationProvider/<WnckScreenDefaultWindowOpened>c__AnonStoreyC.<>m__1F () <0x0008f>
at GLib.Timeout/TimeoutProxy.Handler () <0x0003f>
at GLib.ExceptionManager.RaiseUnhandledException(System.Exception e, Boolean is_terminal)
at GLib.Timeout+TimeoutProxy.Handler()
at Gtk.Application.gtk_main()
at Gtk.Application.Run()
at Docky.Docky.Main(System.String[] args)
[Fatal 10:20:26.240] [GLib] Source ID 113 was not found when attempting to remove it
[Fatal 10:20:26.240] [GLib] Source ID 47 was not found when attempting to remove it
[Fatal 10:20:26.240] [GLib] Source ID 110 was not found when attempting to remove it
[Fatal 10:20:26.240] [GLib] Source ID 45 was not found when attempting to remove it
[Fatal 10:20:26.240] [GLib] Source ID 46 was not found when attempting to remove it
I can confirm that this still happens on LInux Mint 17.1:
[Fatal 10:20:26.064] [GLib] Source ID 95 was not found when attempting to remove it DEBUG_DISPOSE to track allocation traces anager. UnhandledExcept ion to handle the exception. UnixSocket. Write (byte*,int) <0x0008b> UnixSocket. Write (byte[],int,int) <0x00067> UnixStream. Write (byte[],int,int) <0x0003b> IO.MemoryStream .WriteTo (System.IO.Stream) <0x00042> MessageWriter. ToStream (System.IO.Stream) <0x00025> Header. GetHeaderDataTo Stream (System.IO.Stream) <0x00067> .Transport. WriteMessage (DBus.Protocol. Message) <0x00057> .Send (DBus.Protocol. Message) <0x0005c> SendSignal (string, string, string, DBus.Protocol. MessageWriter, System. Type,System. Exception& ) <0x001f3> MessageWriter. HandleItemAdded (DBus.BusObject ,DBus.ObjectPat h) <0x000f6> DockManagerDBus .OnItemAdded (DBus.ObjectPath) <0x0002c> DBusManager. RegisterItem (Docky. Items.AbstractD ockItem) <0x000e7> .DockWindow. RegisterItem (Docky. Items.AbstractD ockItem) <0x00247> .DockWindow. ProviderItemsCh anged (object, Docky.Items. ItemsChangedArg s) <0x0007b> EventHandler` 1<Docky. Items.ItemsChan gedArgs> .invoke_ void__this_ __object_ TEventArgs (object, Docky.Items. ItemsChangedArg s) <0x00069> AbstractDockIte mProvider. OnItemsChanged (System. Collections. Generic. IEnumerable` 1<Docky. Items.AbstractD ockItem> ,System. Collections. Generic. IEnumerable` 1<Docky. Items.AbstractD ockItem> ) <0x00067> AbstractDockIte mProvider. set_Items (System. Collections. Generic. IEnumerable` 1<Docky. Items.AbstractD ockItem> ) <0x0056f> FileApplication Provider. RemoveTransient Items (System. Collections. Generic. IEnumerable` 1<Docky. Items.WnckDockI tem>) <0x00183> FileApplication Provider. UpdateTransient Items () <0x00817> FileApplication Provider/ <WnckScreenDefa ultWindowOpened >c__AnonStoreyC .<>m__1F () <0x0008f> TimeoutProxy. Handler () <0x0003f>
[Fatal 10:20:26.065] [GLib] Source ID 99 was not found when attempting to remove it
Cairo.Surface is leaking, programmer is missing a call to Dispose
Exception in Gtk# callback delegate
Note: Applications can use GLib.ExceptionM
System.Exception: Error 32: Broken pipe
at DBus.Unix.
at DBus.Unix.
at DBus.Unix.
at System.
at DBus.Protocol.
at DBus.Protocol.
at DBus.Transports
at DBus.Connection
at DBus.BusObject.
at (wrapper dynamic-method) DBus.Protocol.
at Docky.DBus.
at Docky.DBus.
at Docky.Interface
at Docky.Interface
at (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.
at Docky.Items.
at Docky.Items.
at Docky.Items.
at Docky.Items.
at Docky.Items.
at GLib.Timeout/
at GLib.ExceptionM anager. RaiseUnhandledE xception( System. Exception e, Boolean is_terminal) TimeoutProxy. Handler( ) .gtk_main( ) .Run() Main(System. String[ ] args)
at GLib.Timeout+
at Gtk.Application
at Gtk.Application
at Docky.Docky.
[Fatal 10:20:26.240] [GLib] Source ID 113 was not found when attempting to remove it
[Fatal 10:20:26.240] [GLib] Source ID 47 was not found when attempting to remove it
[Fatal 10:20:26.240] [GLib] Source ID 110 was not found when attempting to remove it
[Fatal 10:20:26.240] [GLib] Source ID 45 was not found when attempting to remove it
[Fatal 10:20:26.240] [GLib] Source ID 46 was not found when attempting to remove it