From the Docker perspective, it sounds like there's a process stuck somewhere. I'd recommend checking the system for any leftover "docker" processes (dockerd, containerd, shim processes, etc) via something like "ps faux | grep docker" (and/or "containerd", "runc", "shim", etc).
The "dockerd" service logs might also have some clues, and I believe "journalctl -u snap.docker.dockerd.service" is the right way to access those in Snappy?
From the Docker perspective, it sounds like there's a process stuck somewhere. I'd recommend checking the system for any leftover "docker" processes (dockerd, containerd, shim processes, etc) via something like "ps faux | grep docker" (and/or "containerd", "runc", "shim", etc).
The "dockerd" service logs might also have some clues, and I believe "journalctl -u snap.docker. dockerd. service" is the right way to access those in Snappy?