1. Base image is official Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 Update KVM Guest Image (20190618)
2. Qcow2 built with `DIB_AVOID_PACKAGES_UPDATE=1 DIB_IMAGE_SIZE=10 DIB_RELEASE=7 DIB_LOCAL_IMAGE=/home/ivasilev/Downloads/rhel-server-7.6-update-5-x86_64-kvm.qcow2 REG_REPOS="rhel-7-server-optional-rpms,rhel-7-server-extras-rpms" REG_AUTO_ATTACH=true REG_USER="MYUSERHERE" REG_PASSWORD="MYPASSHERE" REG_METHOD=portal REG_RELEASE=7.6 disk-image-create -o rhel7-uefi-attempt2.qcow2 rhel vm block-device-efi`
DIB_AVOID_PACKAGES_UPDATE=1 is necessary to suppress upgrade from 7.6 to 7.7 as the goal is to end up with rhel 7.6
3. Image uploaded to openstack with `--property hw_firmware_type=uefi`
4. Boot a vm from the image, verify it successfully boots and has UEFI.
5. There will be no /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg present (symlink /etc/grub2-efi.cfg broken as well),
any attempts to generate the config with grub2-mkconfig -0 /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg won't make any difference as at boot time only /boot/grub2/grub.cfg will be respected.
To reproduce:
1. Base image is official Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6 Update KVM Guest Image (20190618) PACKAGES_ UPDATE= 1 DIB_IMAGE_SIZE=10 DIB_RELEASE=7 DIB_LOCAL_ IMAGE=/ home/ivasilev/ Downloads/ rhel-server- 7.6-update- 5-x86_64- kvm.qcow2 REG_REPOS= "rhel-7- server- optional- rpms,rhel- 7-server- extras- rpms" REG_AUTO_ ATTACH= true REG_USER= "MYUSERHERE" REG_PASSWORD= "MYPASSHERE" REG_METHOD=portal REG_RELEASE=7.6 disk-image-create -o rhel7-uefi- attempt2. qcow2 rhel vm block-device-efi`
2. Qcow2 built with `DIB_AVOID_
DIB_AVOID_ PACKAGES_ UPDATE= 1 is necessary to suppress upgrade from 7.6 to 7.7 as the goal is to end up with rhel 7.6
3. Image uploaded to openstack with `--property hw_firmware_ type=uefi` EFI/redhat/ grub.cfg present (symlink /etc/grub2-efi.cfg broken as well), EFI/redhat/ grub.cfg won't make any difference as at boot time only /boot/grub2/ grub.cfg will be respected.
4. Boot a vm from the image, verify it successfully boots and has UEFI.
5. There will be no /boot/efi/
any attempts to generate the config with grub2-mkconfig -0 /boot/efi/