Comment 5 for bug 1588437

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Tiago Salem Herrmann (tiagosh) wrote :

I am not sure if not having voice mail could cause this. It's more likely a bug between unity-notifications/telephony-service-approver.

From the description it seems that either unity is not notifying the approver to reject the call or the approver is not behaving correctly when asked by unity/notifications to reject the call.

On my tests I see the approver rejecting the call correctly.

Could you attach $HOME/.upstart/dbus.log to the bug report?

Also, if you have adb access to the device, it would help a lot if you could do the following:

1) adb shell dbus-monitor > dbus_session-call.log
2) reproduce the bug
) attach dbus_session-call.log to this bug report.

Thank you.