Comment 26 for bug 1872118

Revision history for this message
Jorge Niedbalski (niedbalski) wrote : Re: DHCP Cluster crashes after a few hours

Hello Andrew,

Correct me if I am wrong but it seems your system isn't running with libisc-export1105:amd64 1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~ppa1 (?)

I am running the following packages from the PPA, please note that libisc-export1105 is required (that's
where the fix is located).

root@dhcpd1:/home/ubuntu# dpkg -l | grep ppa1
ii isc-dhcp-server 4.4.1-2.1ubuntu6~ppa1 amd64 ISC DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment
ii libirs-export161 1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~ppa1 amd64 Exported IRS Shared Library
ii libisc-export1105:amd64 1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~ppa1 amd64 Exported ISC Shared Library
ii libisccfg-export163 1:9.11.16+dfsg-3~ppa1 amd64 Exported ISC CFG Shared Library


Sent update done message to failover-partner
failover peer failover-partner: peer moves from recover to recover-done
failover peer failover-partner: peer update completed.
failover peer failover-partner: I move from recover to recover-done
failover peer failover-partner: peer moves from recover-done to normal
failover peer failover-partner: I move from recover-done to normal
failover peer failover-partner: Both servers normal
balancing pool 55d0a88a4f10 12 total 221 free 221 backup 0 lts -110 max-own (+/-)22
balanced pool 55d0a88a4f10 12 total 221 free 221 backup 0 lts -110 max-misbal 33


balanced pool 55eb2fe58f40 12 total 221 free 111 backup 110 lts 0 max-misbal 33
Sending updates to failover-partner.
failover peer failover-partner: peer moves from recover-done to normal
failover peer failover-partner: Both servers normal

DHCPDISCOVER from 52:54:00:d1:eb:66 via ens4: load balance to peer failover-partner
DHCPREQUEST for ( from 52:54:00:d1:eb:66 via ens4: lease owned by peer

On failover:

peer failover-partner: disconnected
failover peer failover-partner: I move from normal to communications-interrupted
DHCPDISCOVER from 52:54:00:e8:14:0a via ens4
DHCPOFFER on to 52:54:00:e8:14:0a (shapely-peccary) via ens4
DHCPREQUEST for ( from 52:54:00:e8:14:0a (shapely-peccary) via ens4
DHCPACK on to 52:54:00:e8:14:0a (shapely-peccary) via ens4

I'll leave this running until I can reproduce the crash or assume that the fix

Please let me know if you can reproduce with those packages.


Jorge Niedbalski