Comment 10 for bug 758676

Revision history for this message
penalvch (penalvch) wrote : Re: Text in exported PDF files is not displayed correctly with Courier10PitchBT-Roman

Alvin, while I was able to reproduce the error message in Adobe Reader exporting the attached courtier10pitch.odt file to PDF using LibreOffice Writer (please see attached screenshot.png), I was unable to reproduce the dots where the letters were as per your courier10pitch.pdf attachment displays.

Could you please provide detailed, step-by-step instructions on exactly how to create the PDF document so the dots show?

Procedure to reproduce the error message but not the dots:

Ubuntu 11.04 LibreOffice Writer via the Terminal:

cd ~/Desktop && wget && lowriter -nologo courier10pitch.odt

Notice the words:

This line is Courier 10 Pitch.

has font Courier 10 Pitch.

Click File -> Export as PDF... -> Name: courier10pitch2 -> click Save button

Open via the Terminal:

acroread courier10pitch2.pdf

Adobe Reader window pops up noting: "Cannot extract the embedded font 'Courier10PitchBT-Roman'. Some characters may not display or print correctly."

Despite this one may see the fonts fine. This pdf opens in evince fine and importing via Draw works fine as well.

lsb_release -rd
Description: Ubuntu Natty (development branch)
Release: 11.04

apt-cache policy libreoffice-writer
  Installed: 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu2
  Candidate: 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu2
  Version table:
 *** 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu2 0
        500 natty/main i386 Packages 100

apt-cache policy acroread
  Installed: 9.4.2-0maverick1
  Candidate: 9.4.2-0maverick1
  Version table:
 *** 9.4.2-0maverick1 0
        500 natty/partner i386 Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

apt-cache policy evince
  Installed: 2.32.0-0ubuntu12
  Candidate: 2.32.0-0ubuntu12
  Version table:
 *** 2.32.0-0ubuntu12 0
        500 natty/main i386 Packages 100

apt-cache policy libreoffice-draw
  Installed: 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu2
  Candidate: 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu2
  Version table:
 *** 1:3.3.2-1ubuntu2 0
        500 natty/main i386 Packages 100

apt-cache policy libreoffice-pdfimport
  Installed: 1.0.3+LibO3.3.2-1ubuntu2
  Candidate: 1.0.3+LibO3.3.2-1ubuntu2
  Version table:
     1.0.3+LibO3.3.2-1ubuntu2 0
        500 natty/universe i386 Packages