This bug is indicated as a duplicate of #65837 reported by me. That bug is closed due to the duplication so I write here.
I checked my bug in _my_ latest LO which is:
Verzió: Build az.: 958349dc3b25111dbca392fbc281a05559ef6848
Unfortunately I have no time at the moment to upgrade but I will test it in a newer version LO next week. Meanwhile I wanted to give some feedback. See you next week.
This bug is indicated as a duplicate of #65837 reported by me. That bug is closed due to the duplication so I write here.
I checked my bug in _my_ latest LO which is:
Verzió: dbca392fbc281a0 5559ef6848
Build az.: 958349dc3b25111
Unfortunately I have no time at the moment to upgrade but I will test it in a newer version LO next week. Meanwhile I wanted to give some feedback. See you next week.