Comment 23 for bug 1793124

Revision history for this message
In , M-mahmoudian (m-mahmoudian) wrote :

I landed on this page from one of the duplicates. I would like to extend the issue to "Cell with large dimensions make LibreOffice Calc impossible/unpleasant to work with".

Issue details:
In my daily work I have to deal with CSV and other form of spread sheets that have lengthy texts as the cell values (typically column names) and when I scroll horizontally the jump are as big as the width of the column that just had disappeared!

It would be wise to have an option in the preferences to let user choose between "smooth scrolling" and "legacy scrolling".

I'll be happy to provide testcase if the explanation I provided is not clear enough.

This is a serious issue and it is slightly worrying that it has been almost 8 years since this issue have been reported and yet no tangible action have been taken so far!