In newest LO dev, same problem but it puts Endnote on a new page, instead of the same page. Still cannot move the Endnote as one may do so in Word and AbiWord.
Microsoft Windows Vista Business x86
6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002
Version (Build ID: 87906242e87d3ddb2ba9827818f2d1416d80cc7)
Marking Triaged as reproducible, and similar report reported upstream at https:/ /bugs.freedeskt show_bug. cgi?id= 58521 .
In newest LO dev, same problem but it puts Endnote on a new page, instead of the same page. Still cannot move the Endnote as one may do so in Word and AbiWord.
Microsoft Windows Vista Business x86 b2ba9827818f2d1 416d80cc7)
6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002
Version (Build ID: 87906242e87d3dd