Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit ca89d071b3c249fba55a824f7f4fc247b7c22948 Author: Miguel Angel Ajo <email address hidden> Date: Tue Oct 4 18:17:44 2016 +0200
Reduce the scope of the subnet pool prefix in neutron
Some of the clouds used for CI use the 10.2xx.0.0/16 range for VMs, and collide with the wider
This setting allows for creation of 256 subnets out of the pool.
Change-Id: I48c86f94098f1501f0e7f90a265dda7e81440eb0 Closes-Bug: 1629133
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/381965 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack- dev/devstack/ commit/ ?id=ca89d071b3c 249fba55a824f7f 4fc247b7c22948
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit ca89d071b3c249f ba55a824f7f4fc2 47b7c22948
Author: Miguel Angel Ajo <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 4 18:17:44 2016 +0200
Reduce the scope of the subnet pool prefix in neutron
Some of the clouds used for CI use the 10.2xx.0.0/16 range
for VMs, and collide with the wider
This setting allows for creation of 256 subnets out of the pool.
Change-Id: I48c86f94098f15 01f0e7f90a265dd a7e81440eb0
Closes-Bug: 1629133