commit 183d1d5ff162a353a7d90c10c57ddf9ca0359fa1
Author: Jim Rollenhagen <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 4 11:39:45 2016 -0400
The default for SUBNETPOOL_PREFIX_V4 in devstack causes external
connectivity to be mostly broken in osic-cloud1 nodes. IPA relies on
external activity to build images, and osic-cloud1 is pretty prevalent
for running CI jobs, therefore this breaks IPA CI.
Setting this to the same range as FIXED_RANGE should eliminate this, or
at least reduce the probability of it happening from 1:(size of /8) to
1:(size of /24).
This should be reverted when the actual problem is fixed in devstack.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/381934 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ ironic/ commit/ ?id=183d1d5ff16 2a353a7d90c10c5 7ddf9ca0359fa1
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 183d1d5ff162a35 3a7d90c10c57ddf 9ca0359fa1
Author: Jim Rollenhagen <email address hidden>
Date: Tue Oct 4 11:39:45 2016 -0400
The default for SUBNETPOOL_ PREFIX_ V4 in devstack causes external
connectivity to be mostly broken in osic-cloud1 nodes. IPA relies on
external activity to build images, and osic-cloud1 is pretty prevalent
for running CI jobs, therefore this breaks IPA CI.
Setting this to the same range as FIXED_RANGE should eliminate this, or
at least reduce the probability of it happening from 1:(size of /8) to
1:(size of /24).
This should be reverted when the actual problem is fixed in devstack.
Related-Bug: #1629133 e35418c73f610ac 6b779dd75e5
Change-Id: I8f0e5405f3e2d6