update-desktop-database complains about mime-types starting with zz-application, for example on a system with gnumeric installed:
Error in file "/usr/share/applications/fedora-gnumeric.desktop": "zz-application/zz-winassoc-xls" is an invalid MIME type ("zz-application" is an unregistered media type)
zz-application/zz-winassoc-* can thus be encountered in http / email mime headers in the wild. Thus it makes sense for applications who can handle them to specify so in their .desktop file.
I suggest adding zz-application to the known_fdo_media_types array like this was done with the chemical media type. The fact that currently desktop-file-utils warns over this each time a package post installation script runs update-desktop-database is very annoying. So annoying that almost all distros have a bug for tracking this, and if you google for zz-winassoc-xls the first 7 hits are all bugreports about this.
If you agree that zz-application should be added to the known_fdo_media_types array I'll happily provide a patch for this.
update- desktop- database complains about mime-types starting with zz-application, for example on a system with gnumeric installed:
Error in file "/usr/share/ applications/ fedora- gnumeric. desktop" : "zz-application /zz-winassoc- xls" is an invalid MIME type ("zz-application" is an unregistered media type)
gnumeric upstream refuses to fix this, see: /bugzilla. gnome.org/ show_bug. cgi?id= 619303
I believe they are right in refusing to fix this, the zz-application/ zz-winassoc- * mime-types, although not standards compliant, are widely used out there, see for example: publib. boulder. ibm.com/ infocenter/ p8docs/ v4r5m1/ index.jsp? topic=% 2Fcom.ibm. p8.doc% 2Fadmin% 2Fpublishing% 2Fpub_supported _gold_list. htm www.forensicswi ki.org/ wiki/Word_ Document_ %28DOC% 29 /packetprotecto r.org/trac/ browser/ USB_dir_ 2.x/trunk/ packetprotector /etc/dansguardi an/lists/ downloadmanager s/managedmimety pelist? rev=268
zz-application/ zz-winassoc- * can thus be encountered in http / email mime headers in the wild. Thus it makes sense for applications who can handle them to specify so in their .desktop file.
I suggest adding zz-application to the known_fdo_ media_types array like this was done with the chemical media type. The fact that currently desktop-file-utils warns over this each time a package post installation script runs update- desktop- database is very annoying. So annoying that almost all distros have a bug for tracking this, and if you google for zz-winassoc-xls the first 7 hits are all bugreports about this.
If you agree that zz-application should be added to the known_fdo_ media_types array I'll happily provide a patch for this.