Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit ccc73c4f32959df227e1d3ab0afcf717c3fdaa2c Author: Artom Lifshitz <email address hidden> Date: Fri Jan 24 08:17:25 2014 -0500
Remove dnsmasq backend
The face that trivial bugs 1272051 and 1272033 exist indicate that the dnsmasq backend has not been used by anyone for some time now.
Closes-bug: 1272323 Change-Id: I8a4e295be9eb3205450205412835a68234a0805c
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/68905 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ stackforge/ designate/ commit/ ?id=ccc73c4f329 59df227e1d3ab0a fcf717c3fdaa2c
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit ccc73c4f32959df 227e1d3ab0afcf7 17c3fdaa2c
Author: Artom Lifshitz <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 24 08:17:25 2014 -0500
Remove dnsmasq backend
The face that trivial bugs 1272051 and 1272033 exist indicate that the
dnsmasq backend has not been used by anyone for some time now.
Closes-bug: 1272323 05450205412835a 68234a0805c
Change-Id: I8a4e295be9eb32