All these patches are queued for the next kernel (4.18) update in the SCSI branch. Once the window for the 4.18 is open, these patches will be pushed from SCSI branch to the tip kernel. Current tip kernel 4.17-rc7 doesn’t have these changes in it.
mpt3sas: Bug fix for big endian systems. : commit cf6bf9710cabba1fe94a4349f4eb8db623c77ebc
mpt3sas: Pre-allocate RDPQ Array at driver boot time : commit cd33223b59a4938f9ae890bc5ae4196398e9abe0
mpt3sas: Lockless access for chain buffers : commit 93204b782a88f2067ff83cb732b66236644c4c56
mpt3sas: Optimize I/O memory consumption in driver: commit 74522a92bbf003111852d77f1a95d961c1de7baf
mpt3sas: Enhanced handling of Sense Buffer: commit e21fef6f331b3977018f35ef38c91dccf2ebc5ae
mpt3sas: Added support for SAS Device Discovery Error Event: commit 95540b8eaf30d224ba0723f5a109aa52fd996c6f
mpt3sas: Increase event log buffer to support 24 port HBA's: commit 1537d1bfc58858f2e0a86c37977d92b05e0afa2e
mpt3sas: Allow processing of events during driver unload: commit 79eb96d6ca6971e79a3770991a12a16fde871e90
mpt3sas: Cache enclosure pages during enclosure add: commit 22a923c315ba09a83ef88ff1d968413d9dd8fb75
mpt3sas: Report Firmware Package Version from HBA Driver: commit 3d29ed85fc9ca673fbae0f97178ef64c1314f7e2
mpt3sas: Update MPI Headers: commit 65928d1f4130a48732034c2f31b2b0790694537f
mpt3sas: For NVME device, issue a protocol level reset instead of hot reset and use TM timeout value exposed in PCIe Device Page 2.: commit c1a6c5ac4278d406c112cc2f038e6e506feadff9
mpt3sas: fix possible memory leak: commit 87b3576e9eaba85644c643bb55b485b5330a2af5
mpt3sas: Update driver version "" commit f6972d7180909787a324b83bf3f2f0686f22286a”
Adding commit IDs for patches referenced above:
All these patches are queued for the next kernel (4.18) update in the SCSI branch. Once the window for the 4.18 is open, these patches will be pushed from SCSI branch to the tip kernel. Current tip kernel 4.17-rc7 doesn’t have these changes in it.
mpt3sas: Bug fix for big endian systems. : commit cf6bf9710cabba1 fe94a4349f4eb8d b623c77ebc f9ae890bc5ae419 6398e9abe0 67ff83cb732b662 36644c4c56 11852d77f1a95d9 61c1de7baf 7018f35ef38c91d ccf2ebc5ae 4ba0723f5a109aa 52fd996c6f 2e0a86c37977d92 b05e0afa2e 79a3770991a12a1 6fde871e90 83ef88ff1d96841 3d9dd8fb75 3fbae0f97178ef6 4c1314f7e2 732034c2f31b2b0 790694537f 6c112cc2f038e6e 506feadff9 644c643bb55b485 b5330a2af5 7a324b83bf3f2f0 686f22286a”
mpt3sas: Pre-allocate RDPQ Array at driver boot time : commit cd33223b59a4938
mpt3sas: Lockless access for chain buffers : commit 93204b782a88f20
mpt3sas: Optimize I/O memory consumption in driver: commit 74522a92bbf0031
mpt3sas: Enhanced handling of Sense Buffer: commit e21fef6f331b397
mpt3sas: Added support for SAS Device Discovery Error Event: commit 95540b8eaf30d22
mpt3sas: Increase event log buffer to support 24 port HBA's: commit 1537d1bfc58858f
mpt3sas: Allow processing of events during driver unload: commit 79eb96d6ca6971e
mpt3sas: Cache enclosure pages during enclosure add: commit 22a923c315ba09a
mpt3sas: Report Firmware Package Version from HBA Driver: commit 3d29ed85fc9ca67
mpt3sas: Update MPI Headers: commit 65928d1f4130a48
mpt3sas: For NVME device, issue a protocol level reset instead of hot reset and use TM timeout value exposed in PCIe Device Page 2.: commit c1a6c5ac4278d40
mpt3sas: fix possible memory leak: commit 87b3576e9eaba85
mpt3sas: Update driver version "" commit f6972d718090978