If this is a factory-preloaded system I also suggest opening an issue with Dell. You should have had 1 year of ProSupport included with the system. Random freezes haven't been commonly reported with this system and you may have a hardware problem.
That said, I can also point you to a diagnostic tool that will capture everything about your system. You can attach that report here.
To install and run the tool, please do the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:debugmonkeys/sosreport
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sos
Then run 'sudo sos' from the command line and follow the prompts.
If this is a factory-preloaded system I also suggest opening an issue with Dell. You should have had 1 year of ProSupport included with the system. Random freezes haven't been commonly reported with this system and you may have a hardware problem.
That said, I can also point you to a diagnostic tool that will capture everything about your system. You can attach that report here.
To install and run the tool, please do the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:debugmonkey s/sosreport
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sos
Then run 'sudo sos' from the command line and follow the prompts.