In case somebody struggles with this do the following:
1. Disable Intel Rapid Start in the BIOS
2. Disable Intel Smart Connect in the BIOS
3. DIsable Secure Boot in the BIOS
4. Add a boot option like this:
a) enter any name
b) select the disk entry representing the USB device
c) this is where it gets interesting. On my first tries I entered "/efi/boot/bootx64.efi" and couldn't get it to work. What I then did I entered this again, then tabbed several times until the boot file field was seleced again and hit <enter>. Suddenly I a file selector popped up that I couldn't get to before. There I selected the file. What ended up in the field was this "efi/boot/bootx64.efi". Notice the missing leading "/". After that I rebooted, selected the new usb entry and my (Fedora 18) boot menu from the usb stick came up.
Maybe it was just the leading "/" that was the problem but I wanted to describe accurately what I did to get the system to boot from USB in UEFI mode.
In case somebody struggles with this do the following:
1. Disable Intel Rapid Start in the BIOS bootx64. efi" and couldn't get it to work. What I then did I entered this again, then tabbed several times until the boot file field was seleced again and hit <enter>. Suddenly I a file selector popped up that I couldn't get to before. There I selected the file. What ended up in the field was this "efi/boot/ bootx64. efi". Notice the missing leading "/". After that I rebooted, selected the new usb entry and my (Fedora 18) boot menu from the usb stick came up.
2. Disable Intel Smart Connect in the BIOS
3. DIsable Secure Boot in the BIOS
4. Add a boot option like this:
a) enter any name
b) select the disk entry representing the USB device
c) this is where it gets interesting. On my first tries I entered "/efi/boot/
Maybe it was just the leading "/" that was the problem but I wanted to describe accurately what I did to get the system to boot from USB in UEFI mode.