Kamal: I upgraded to kamal8 and rebooted. The backlight is at full brightness, with the brightness keys not doing anything. "/bin/echo 0 > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness" gets me back to a normal state. My machine is an XPS 13 base config (i5, 123GB SSD, A06 BIOS I believe). I forgot to test suspend/resume but would have to test that tonight at the earliest.
Kamal: I upgraded to kamal8 and rebooted. The backlight is at full brightness, with the brightness keys not doing anything. "/bin/echo 0 > /sys/class/ backlight/ intel_backlight /brightness" gets me back to a normal state. My machine is an XPS 13 base config (i5, 123GB SSD, A06 BIOS I believe). I forgot to test suspend/resume but would have to test that tonight at the earliest.