This just happened to me right after login. The process started to eat all of my memory which caused intensive swapping and an unresponsive system. It took me minutes just to get a terminal to kill this process.
Besides the issue with the high memory (and cpu) consumption there is an other issue here:
The process in question is part of (?) a backup solution, which is not configured by default. I believe this application shouldn't be installed, or at least it shouldn't run on login by default unless the user actually needs it. Even without the bug that causes high memory usage it's still something that slows down startup without actually doing something useful.
This just happened to me right after login. The process started to eat all of my memory which caused intensive swapping and an unresponsive system. It took me minutes just to get a terminal to kill this process.
Besides the issue with the high memory (and cpu) consumption there is an other issue here:
The process in question is part of (?) a backup solution, which is not configured by default. I believe this application shouldn't be installed, or at least it shouldn't run on login by default unless the user actually needs it. Even without the bug that causes high memory usage it's still something that slows down startup without actually doing something useful.