Michael Terry i have 16.04 on 2 laptops, both have chrome, only 1 has Deja-dup. deleted and purged etc - restarted and still had 21 gb eaten, which i have found in HOME-Deja-dup , 620 items, all called duplicity-new-signatures.20161209T011811Z.to.201........ etc, etc, Can i remove manually, or be Guinea Pig . ?
Michael Terry i have 16.04 on 2 laptops, both have chrome, only 1 has Deja-dup. deleted and purged etc - restarted and still had 21 gb eaten, which i have found in HOME-Deja-dup , 620 items, all called duplicity- new-signatures. 20161209T011811 Z.to.201. ....... etc, etc, Can i remove manually, or be Guinea Pig . ?