Dear Michael
Unfortunately I recognized only _after_ sending my first reply
addressing You as "Terry" (probably thinking of TERRY PRATTCHET).
Am 09.03.2014 04:37, schrieb Michael Terry:
> I'm not sure how you got in this state, but delete the duplicity-
> full.20140129T192751Z.vol21.difftar file in your backup location and try
> again.
Dear Michael 92751Z. vol21.difftar file in your backup location and try
Unfortunately I recognized only _after_ sending my first reply
addressing You as "Terry" (probably thinking of TERRY PRATTCHET).
Am 09.03.2014 04:37, schrieb Michael Terry:
> I'm not sure how you got in this state, but delete the duplicity-
> full.20140129T1
> again.