7zr a %zFILE% winvnc4.exe go.bat -m0=BCJ2 -m1=LZMA:d25:fb255 -m2=LZMA:d19 -m3=LZMA:d19 -mb0:1 -mb0s1:2 -mb0s2:3 -mx
copy /b 7zS.sfx + %confFILE% + %zFILE% %exeFILE%
if "%clean%"=="1" (
del %zFILE%
del %confFILE%
==============End MakeSC.cmd==============================
* go.bat as shown here
==============Begin go.bat==============================
:: Must use start because winvnc4.exe does NOT return...
:: /B = don't start a separate CMD window
@echo off
start /b winvnc4.exe > nul
echo This program starts a "standalone" version of winvnc4.
echo It may fail if you have winvnc4 installed and running as a service.
goto SkipSingleConnection
set HOST=
:: There needs to be a delay between the 1st call to winvnc4 and the 2nd, either via menu or ping
ping localhost -n 3 > nul
echo After the green/blue/red on white "Vnc" icon appears in your taskbar,
echo choose one of the following:
echo 1 - Bob's machine
echo 2 - Joe's machine
set /p MACHINE=Enter the number representing the target machine:
goto Machine%MACHINE%
set HOST=
set HOST=joe.example.com
echo Attempting to connect to %HOST%
winvnc4.exe -connect %HOST% > nul
echo **********************************************
echo Close this windows to stop sharing your screen
echo **********************************************
title ***** Close this window to stop sharing your screen *****</verbatim>
==============Begin go.bat==============================
2) Modify MakeSC.cmd and go.bat as appropriate:
a. set IP addresses
b. change exeFILE to the preferred name of the final file
c. set clean to 1 to delete temporary files, anything else to leave them in place
3) Run MakeNewSC.cmd
4) Run your new "NewSingleClick.exe". If you UPX'd the .sfx, it should be under 300K
Single-click using RealVNC 4.1
aamonster is right, that's how I've been doing it, but here's the details:
1) Place the following files into the same directory: sourceforge. net/projects/ sevenzip/ files/7- Zip/4.65/ 7z465_extra. 7z/download) realvnc. com/products/ free/4. 1/download. html) cmd==== ======= ======= ======= ===== NewSingleClick. exe
* 7zr.exe (from the 7zip extras file @ http://
* 7zS.sfx (from the same place. Optionally UPX compress this file)
* winvnc4.exe (from http://
* MakeSC.cmd as shown here
==============Begin MakeSC.
set exeFILE=
set clean=1
set zFILE=NewSC.7z
set confFILE=config.txt
echo ;!@Install@!UTF-8! > %confFILE% "go.bat" >> %confFILE%
echo ExecuteFile=
echo ;!@InstallEnd@! >> %confFILE%
7zr a %zFILE% winvnc4.exe go.bat -m0=BCJ2 -m1=LZMA:d25:fb255 -m2=LZMA:d19 -m3=LZMA:d19 -mb0:1 -mb0s1:2 -mb0s2:3 -mx cmd==== ======= ======= ======= ===== ======= ======= ======= ======= =
copy /b 7zS.sfx + %confFILE% + %zFILE% %exeFILE%
if "%clean%"=="1" (
del %zFILE%
del %confFILE%
==============End MakeSC.
* go.bat as shown here
==============Begin go.bat=
:: Must use start because winvnc4.exe does NOT return...
:: /B = don't start a separate CMD window
@echo off
start /b winvnc4.exe > nul
echo This program starts a "standalone" version of winvnc4.
echo It may fail if you have winvnc4 installed and running as a service.
goto SkipSingleConne ction ection
set HOST=
:: There needs to be a delay between the 1st call to winvnc4 and the 2nd, either via menu or ping
ping localhost -n 3 > nul
echo. example. com
echo After the green/blue/red on white "Vnc" icon appears in your taskbar,
echo choose one of the following:
echo 1 - Bob's machine
echo 2 - Joe's machine
set /p MACHINE=Enter the number representing the target machine:
goto Machine%MACHINE%
set HOST=
set HOST=joe.
echo Attempting to connect to %HOST%
winvnc4.exe -connect %HOST% > nul
echo. ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* **** ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* **** ======= ======= ======= ======= =
echo *******
echo Close this windows to stop sharing your screen
echo *******
title ***** Close this window to stop sharing your screen *****</verbatim>
==============Begin go.bat=
2) Modify MakeSC.cmd and go.bat as appropriate: .exe". If you UPX'd the .sfx, it should be under 300K
a. set IP addresses
b. change exeFILE to the preferred name of the final file
c. set clean to 1 to delete temporary files, anything else to leave them in place
3) Run MakeNewSC.cmd
4) Run your new "NewSingleClick