Comment 2 for bug 1914110

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Henning Sprang (henning) wrote : Re: [Ubuntustudio-bugs] [Bug 1914110] Re: Update very old RNBC packages

Imho packages that are outdated to a level that makes them unuseable or
much much less capable and/or not beeing supported anymore by upstream
because they aren’t taken care for in Debian should be removed until a
maintainer is found or the issue is fixed in Debian.

Just copying major bodies of work from the original distribution which in
turn seems having lost interest in tracking upstream progress is no good
explanation for distributing totally outdated stuff.

A distribution is ultimately responsible for what it distributes and simply
closing such reports is not very friendly towards users.

At least such a report could be used to track further steps to improve the
definitively unsatisfying situation.
Henning Sprang