IIUC,one of the goal mentioned by cyphermox here seems to avoid the grep cmd to catch ubuntu pattern where hostname has ubuntu in it.
Example: sometextbeforeubuntusometextafter ubuntusometextafter sometextbeforeubuntu
and only catch it when it is 'ubuntu' nothing else.
I think "-w" should suffice to keep the if statement remove in Joshua' proposal.
# man grep -w, --word-regexp Select only those lines containing matches that form whole words.
if ! echo "$RET" | grep -qw 'ubuntu'; then or if ! echo "$RET" | grep -q '\<ubuntu\>'; then
Some quick tests I quickly ran on my laptop : # echo "beforeubuntuafter" | grep -w "ubuntu" # echo "beforeubuntuafter" | grep -w "ubuntu" # echo "ubuntuafter" | grep -w "ubuntu" # echo "ubuntu" | grep -w "ubuntu" ubuntu
That should cover at least that one item.
Thoughts ?
- Eric
IIUC,one of the goal mentioned by cyphermox here seems to avoid the grep cmd to catch ubuntu pattern where hostname has ubuntu in it.
Example: buntusometextaf ter buntu
and only catch it when it is 'ubuntu' nothing else.
I think "-w" should suffice to keep the if statement remove in Joshua' proposal.
# man grep
Select only those lines containing matches that form whole words.
-w, --word-regexp
if ! echo "$RET" | grep -qw 'ubuntu'; then
if ! echo "$RET" | grep -q '\<ubuntu\>'; then
Some quick tests I quickly ran on my laptop :
# echo "beforeubuntuafter" | grep -w "ubuntu"
# echo "beforeubuntuafter" | grep -w "ubuntu"
# echo "ubuntuafter" | grep -w "ubuntu"
# echo "ubuntu" | grep -w "ubuntu"
That should cover at least that one item.
Thoughts ?
- Eric