Comment 10 for bug 1958492

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Marcel Montes (spiceman) wrote (last edit ):

In my opinion, this is still a bug.

For arguments' sake, let's say I also have another Japanese input source with Japanese keyboard layout (no mozc).

$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources
[('ibus', 'mozc-jp'), ('xkb', 'us'), ('xkb', 'jp')]

Then, changing the input source to xkb jp, changes the layout. (ie: shift-2 is properly a double quote, not like an at mark like in the us layout, etc).

---> This is the expected behaviour of switching keyboard layouts. <---

To summarise:
If I switch to "Japanese", it switches to a japanese keyboard layout.
If I switch to "Japanese (Mozc)" it just activates mozc with the us layout intl variant intact. Where did the "japanese" part go?

It's effectively a -non existant- "US-intl (Mozc)" keyboard layout, not "Japanese (Mozc)" as advertised.

I don't understand the rationale behind the "Japanese" (no mozc) keyboard layout switching to jp (ie: actually doing setxkbmap jp) but "Japanese (Mozc)" not doing it.