Flowed text (flowRoot and friends) must be moved to inkscape namespace,
placed into a foreignObject, and added a sibling svg:text which gives an
automatically updated text equivalent. All this is placed into svg:switch,
the way Adobe Illustrator does with its text. (I can share a sample.)
Fortunately we will have a student for this task. Since Gail is not yet
given SVN access, Richard, I'm assigning it to you as her mentor :)
Originator: NO
Flowed text (flowRoot and friends) must be moved to inkscape namespace,
placed into a foreignObject, and added a sibling svg:text which gives an
automatically updated text equivalent. All this is placed into svg:switch,
the way Adobe Illustrator does with its text. (I can share a sample.)
Fortunately we will have a student for this task. Since Gail is not yet
given SVN access, Richard, I'm assigning it to you as her mentor :)