Gmm... I updated to 14.04 just yesterday and it looks that bug vanished. Tested shorcuts in terminal (ctrl+shift+c/ctrl+shift+v) in Brackets IDE and in Firefox (ctl+shift+arrows, ctrl+shift+s). It is also looks that applications do not loose focus when layout switching.
So, I can't confirm this bug in 14.04.
P.S. It looks that PrintScreen works only for windows (alt+print) at all. But that's a different story.
Gmm... I updated to 14.04 just yesterday and it looks that bug vanished. Tested shorcuts in terminal (ctrl+shift+ c/ctrl+ shift+v) in Brackets IDE and in Firefox (ctl+shift+arrows, ctrl+shift+s). It is also looks that applications do not loose focus when layout switching.
So, I can't confirm this bug in 14.04.
P.S. It looks that PrintScreen works only for windows (alt+print) at all. But that's a different story.