Comment 1 for bug 181891

Revision history for this message
Torsten Eichstädt (torsten-eichstaedt) wrote :

1.: It is imperative to either
    - set root's locale to 'C' and to change 'sudo' to implicitely include root's login profile when a user switches to the root role, even when not called as 'sudo -'. Don't forget to update the docs ;).
    - or switch to the 'C' locale inside various system tools, and switch back to the original locale when printing messages.
The former is a workaround, but much less work than the latter. Bugs in l18n will be found slower, but IMHO system maintenance is more important.
Rationale: Either
    - The localization of basic libraries is not yet finished; they are still containing too many bugs, probably
      "between the lines", i.e. hard to find.
    - Or many basic system routines implicitely rely on 7-bit ASCII string ordering (again, "between the lines").
See the examples below.

2.: Could you please start a project that runs tests at least on the basic (minimal) system. Rationale: Ubuntu (and derivatives) contains way too many bugs, many of them are slips of the pen. They should not make it to the users system. Currently, it's either a nightmare or simply a matter of patience to get out of a broken pkg state. For the average user who doesn't know about the internals of the pkg system this is not acceptable.
[...] indicates some lines left out for clarification
Example 1:
# export LC_ALL=C
# apt-get check
  aqsis-libsc2a: Depends: libtiff4 but it is not installed
# export LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8
# apt-get check
  dirmngr: Hängt ab: libpth20 (>= 2.0.7-2) ist aber nicht installiert
# apt-get check|grep aqsis
[none; -->different pkg listing w/ unmet depencies in different locales; this is utterly wrong]
Example 2:
[This is from a previous run; after that I ran adept-updater and fetched a new pkg list, that's why the first pkg]
[shown differs from the example above]
# apt-get -s check
  acpi: Hängt ab: libc6 (>= 2.6-1) ist aber nicht installierbar
[translated: "acpi: depends: libc6 (>= 2.6-1) but can not be installed"]
[... many more pkgs complaining about libc6]
# dpkg -s libc6
Package: libc6
Status: install ok installed
Version: 2.6.1-1ubuntu10

CONCLUSION: The pkg maintainers either
    - did not agree on the correct naming convention for pkg versions (2.6-1 vs. 2.6.1) or
    - (more likely, because later I did not get complains on libc6; I have unattended security updates turned on)
    - version comparison is (was?) broken