Comment 6 for bug 496575

Revision history for this message
Stas Sușcov (sushkov) wrote : [Bug 496575] Re: Maildir support in alpine

În data de Mi, 12-05-2010 la 13:12 -0400, Asheesh Laroia a scris:
> On Tue, 11 May 2010, Stas Sușcov wrote:
> > Great news Asheesh Laroia,
> > I tried patching the alpine 1.0 package using it but I got the folowing
> > rejections:
> > ---
> > stas@buildenv:~/alpine/alpine-1.0+dfsg$ find ./ -iname *.rej
> > ./imap/src/osdep/unix/dummy.c.rej
> > ./imap/src/osdep/unix/maildir.c.rej
> > ./imap/src/osdep/unix/maildir.h.rej
> > ./imap/src/osdep/unix/Makefile.rej
> > ./imap/src/c-client/mail.h.rej
> > ./alpine/mailindx.c.rej
> > ./alpine/alpine.h.rej
> > ./alpine/mailcmd.c.rej
> > ---
> > The above exclude s/pine/alpine patch failures.
> > So I believe it needs a fresh revision before it can be used.
> > If there's anybody who wants to do this, I would appreciate his help.
> Yeah, I think you'll find some of the hunks don't apply. I think any C
> coder can probably figure out how to apply it.

I manually treated rejections and succeeded to build the package.

Patch is under "essentially the _modified_ BSD license or X11 license",
so it makes sense to be improved and get included into further builds.
It looks bad, but it works, screenshot attached :)

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