Comment 57 for bug 102212

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xtsbdu3reyrbrmroezob (xtsbdu3reyrbrmroezob) wrote : Re: [Bug 102212] Re: [needs-packaging] Metasploit Framework 3.0

On 8/15/07, Justin M. Wray <email address hidden> wrote:
> Right, I made a diff, after running your script, thats the RUBY patch
> above.

Of course :-) I saw that...

> However, 'diff' doesn't catch the change in file permissions etc.


> Therefore, within the debian/rules I used part of your script, but that
> doesn't seem to be working.

What I am saying is that if you put the other parts of my script into
another directory (debian/rules) and run it, it will fail to catch all
the files I believe. It starts searching from the current directory
and recursively downward...
Kristian Erik Hermansen