El Mar 20 Ene 2009, Savvas Radevic escribió:
> 36 - The vncdll.dll binary or its associated source code (modified RealVNC)
according with framework-3.2/external/source/vncdll/LICENCE.txt is GPL . Copyright RealVNC Ltd. 2002 and Copyright AT&T Laboratories Cambridge 1996-2001 (according to REALVNC.README.txt)
> 37 - The icons used by msfweb that were not created by the Metasploit Project
in framework-3.2/data/msfweb/ I found a lot of different copyrights holders. In framework-3.2/data/msfweb/public/images/ there isn't any licence file. Some of them looks like Tango Gnome Icons (I'm not sure) and there is many company/brands logos, like framework-3.2/data/msfweb/public/images/rails.png and /framework-3.2/data/msfweb/public/images/platform-icons/3com.png .
> 38 - The Ole::Storage library located under lib/ole
according with framework-3.2/lib/ole/LICENCE is GPL . Apparently was written by apparently, from http://code.google.com/p/ruby-msg/ . I have no idea of a real name.
> 39 - The Scruby library located under lib/scruby
according with framework-3.2/lib/scruby/LICENCE is GPL . The copyright holder is Sylvain Sarmejeanne.
> 40 - The PcapRub library located under external/pcaprub
according with framework-3.2/external/pcaprub/LICENCE is GPL . I have no idea who's the copyright holder
> 41 - The Ruby-Lorcon library located under external/ruby-lorcon
according with external/ruby-lorcon/README was developed by Joshua Wright and dragorn. It's GPLv2.
> 42 - The Byakugan plugin located under external/source/byakugan
Many files contains the legend: "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."
El Mar 20 Ene 2009, Savvas Radevic escribió:
> 36 - The vncdll.dll binary or its associated source code (modified RealVNC)
according with framework- 3.2/external/ source/ vncdll/ LICENCE. txt is GPL . Copyright RealVNC Ltd. 2002 and Copyright AT&T Laboratories Cambridge 1996-2001 (according to REALVNC.README.txt)
> 37 - The icons used by msfweb that were not created by the Metasploit Project
in framework- 3.2/data/ msfweb/ I found a lot of different copyrights holders. In framework- 3.2/data/ msfweb/ public/ images/ there isn't any licence file. Some of them looks like Tango Gnome Icons (I'm not sure) and there is many company/brands logos, like framework- 3.2/data/ msfweb/ public/ images/ rails.png and /framework- 3.2/data/ msfweb/ public/ images/ platform- icons/3com. png .
> 38 - The Ole::Storage library located under lib/ole
according with framework- 3.2/lib/ ole/LICENCE is GPL . Apparently was written by apparently, from http:// code.google. com/p/ruby- msg/ . I have no idea of a real name.
> 39 - The Scruby library located under lib/scruby
according with framework- 3.2/lib/ scruby/ LICENCE is GPL . The copyright holder is Sylvain Sarmejeanne.
> 40 - The PcapRub library located under external/pcaprub
according with framework- 3.2/external/ pcaprub/ LICENCE is GPL . I have no idea who's the copyright holder
> 41 - The Ruby-Lorcon library located under external/ ruby-lorcon
according with external/ ruby-lorcon/ README was developed by Joshua Wright and dragorn. It's GPLv2.
> 42 - The Byakugan plugin located under external/ source/ byakugan
Many files contains the legend: "Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved."