Comment 12 for bug 1003185

Revision history for this message
misterich (misterich) wrote :

Actually, my workaround (comment #11) really didn't end up working for me. It seems that the session is needed for successful editing :-(

I do apologize, but I had to create up a VERY clunky shell script to get done what I need to get done. ***please, please please post if you would like further data or if you have a fix.*** Shutter is a really neat tool without comparison on Linux!


                   # Fake shutter. See
                   timestamp=`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.%N`;

                   #1. Get the window ID and name of the window to select
                   windowId=`xdotool selectwindow`;
                   windowName=`xdotool getwindowname $windowId | sed -e 's/[ \t]/_/g' | sed -e 's/[\/\!\~\`\*\&\\\$\|\^\#\@]//g'`;

                   #2. Set the filename

                   #3. Raise the window and get a screenshot
                   `xdotool windowactivate --sync $windowId`;
                   `import -frame -window $windowId $filename`;

                   #4. Open Inkscape in background to make edits
                   inkscape -g -f $filename &
