Comment 3 for bug 609834

Revision history for this message
Fredrik Ullner (ullner) wrote :

Ease of reference:

1) Taskbar button - In general
Already exist.

2) Application id - Combining windows into one application icon
Already exist.

3) Overlay status
It might be useful to have its own icon for e.g. "away" status, but it's kind of useless information anyway... I don't know what other state might be useful to show...

Perhaps "you've got a PM" icon, similar to the notification area?

4) Process bar
While DC++ indeed displays progress for lots of things (downloads, uploads, hashing etc), there is no way to have a generic "progress bar" since any of the aforementioned items may be really slow or really fast, and may also consist of multiple files etc. I don't think it is useful for have a progress bar in general for this kind of thing.

5) Thumbnail toolbar
What functionality might be useful to have in the toolbar? There is no clear-cut "toolbar" for most windows, so I fail to see any usefulness here.

6) Jump lists
The following is what I might consider for jump lists:
a) Open settings
b) A particular window or feature ("System log" and "Search for files" etc)
c) Status (away/normal)