Ryan, I'm attaching what I can, which is the output from the "maas {profile} machine get-curtin-config {system_id}" command and the log file I provided earlier. The "maas {profile} node-results read system_id={system_id} name=/tmp/curtin-logs.tar | jq -r .[0].data | base64 -d > curtin-logs.tar" command from https://discourse.maas.io/t/getting-curtin-debug-logs/169 did not work; that produced 3-byte files. (Yes, I changed {profile} and {system_id} appropriately.) I suspect the documentation needs to be updated; or perhaps it's TOO up-to-date (we're running MAAS 2.6.2).
In the drapion-messages file, check the final two deployments. The first of those two completed successfully, with the system set to PXE-boot at the end; but the second resulted in the server set to boot from the "ubuntu" disk item.
Ryan, I'm attaching what I can, which is the output from the "maas {profile} machine get-curtin-config {system_id}" command and the log file I provided earlier. The "maas {profile} node-results read system_ id={system_ id} name=/tmp/ curtin- logs.tar | jq -r .[0].data | base64 -d > curtin-logs.tar" command from https:/ /discourse. maas.io/ t/getting- curtin- debug-logs/ 169 did not work; that produced 3-byte files. (Yes, I changed {profile} and {system_id} appropriately.) I suspect the documentation needs to be updated; or perhaps it's TOO up-to-date (we're running MAAS 2.6.2).
In the drapion-messages file, check the final two deployments. The first of those two completed successfully, with the system set to PXE-boot at the end; but the second resulted in the server set to boot from the "ubuntu" disk item.