Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: "Zuul (22348)" Branch: master
commit ad4437300d06442d7b9cb83e5788a7a8ce091600 Author: Tobias Urdin <email address hidden> Date: Thu Nov 17 08:35:27 2022 +0000
Stop using removed verifier and signer methods
These methods is removed in [1] so we move to our wrappers for verifiers introduced in [2] and then updateo ur testing to not use signer as well.
[1] [2]
Closes-Bug: #1750633 Change-Id: I07b2d9c41c5c659692e5bfd6570b66fd646faa2b
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/x/ cursive/ +/864846 /opendev. org/x/cursive/ commit/ ad4437300d06442 d7b9cb83e5788a7 a8ce091600
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: master
commit ad4437300d06442 d7b9cb83e5788a7 a8ce091600
Author: Tobias Urdin <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Nov 17 08:35:27 2022 +0000
Stop using removed verifier and signer methods
These methods is removed in [1] so we move to our
wrappers for verifiers introduced in [2] and then
updateo ur testing to not use signer as well.
[1] https:/ /github. com/pyca/ cryptography/ pull/6639 /review. opendev. org/c/x/ cursive/ +/547146
[2] https:/
Closes-Bug: #1750633 9692e5bfd6570b6 6fd646faa2b
Change-Id: I07b2d9c41c5c65