Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit 26241ee5d50a365afde7d576cd487577d5cdd385 Author: luqitao <email address hidden> Date: Fri Jun 9 04:31:29 2017 -0400
Fix html_last_updated_fmt for Python3
html_last_updated_fmt option is interpreted as a byte string in python3, causing Sphinx build to break. This patch makes it utf-8 string.
Change-Id: I8eb08b739d01aa38596d1c92aad9f98cb0ae1eb2 Closes-Bug: #1693670
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/472581 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ glance_ store/commit/ ?id=26241ee5d50 a365afde7d576cd 487577d5cdd385
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 26241ee5d50a365 afde7d576cd4875 77d5cdd385
Author: luqitao <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Jun 9 04:31:29 2017 -0400
Fix html_last_ updated_ fmt for Python3
html_ last_updated_ fmt option is interpreted as a
byte string in python3, causing Sphinx build to break.
This patch makes it utf-8 string.
Change-Id: I8eb08b739d01aa 38596d1c92aad9f 98cb0ae1eb2
Closes-Bug: #1693670