The Resource of oslo-incubator is used as the
super class of client object in novaclient and
cinderclient, but the implemented of __eq__ method
don't match the semantics of object equal. Check
equal between two objects by using obj1 == obj2,
that will always be True if the objects have the
same id, even if they have the different other
attribute value. The issue had been traced by
oslo-incubator bug/1499369, fix it in Congress side
as temporary workaround in order to avoid the issue
exist in stable/liberty branch.
Change-Id: I4304c32432dc1f813377c60704f817b4f3020da2
Closes-Bug: #1499065
(cherry picked from commit 897bcfca781835e73736d9e232a647a817aa8759)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/227402 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ congress/ commit/ ?id=3ff3e846c10 2cb99c8fb3d0259 566b307e6f8fdb
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/liberty
commit 3ff3e846c102cb9 9c8fb3d0259566b 307e6f8fdb
Author: Rui Chen <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Sep 24 22:22:58 2015 +0800
Fix state computation incorrect
The Resource of oslo-incubator is used as the
super class of client object in novaclient and
cinderclient, but the implemented of __eq__ method
don't match the semantics of object equal. Check
equal between two objects by using obj1 == obj2,
that will always be True if the objects have the
same id, even if they have the different other
attribute value. The issue had been traced by
oslo-incubator bug/1499369, fix it in Congress side
as temporary workaround in order to avoid the issue
exist in stable/liberty branch.
Change-Id: I4304c32432dc1f 813377c60704f81 7b4f3020da2 73736d9e232a647 a817aa8759)
Closes-Bug: #1499065
(cherry picked from commit 897bcfca781835e