Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: stable/stein
commit ab9f85b3fbb960578e4926195038c318420839a2 Author: Lucian Petrut <email address hidden> Date: Thu May 14 12:35:08 2020 +0300
Fix case sensitive path comparisons
Windows paths are case insensitive. Furthermore, Hyper-V even flips the casing in some cases.
For that reason, we have to ensure that our path comparisons are case insensitive.
Change-Id: I4cb059c6bdcb09f7e0c3217fe34654c8e197b67d Closes-Bug: #1878579 (cherry picked from commit d96fed4f3c5205b562865eefd4cffe1c1b151d4b)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/729125 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ compute- hyperv/ commit/ ?id=ab9f85b3fbb 960578e49261950 38c318420839a2
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/stein
commit ab9f85b3fbb9605 78e4926195038c3 18420839a2
Author: Lucian Petrut <email address hidden>
Date: Thu May 14 12:35:08 2020 +0300
Fix case sensitive path comparisons
Windows paths are case insensitive. Furthermore, Hyper-V even
flips the casing in some cases.
For that reason, we have to ensure that our path comparisons
are case insensitive.
Change-Id: I4cb059c6bdcb09 f7e0c3217fe3465 4c8e197b67d 562865eefd4cffe 1c1b151d4b)
Closes-Bug: #1878579
(cherry picked from commit d96fed4f3c5205b