Comment 0 for bug 1662773

Revision history for this message
Alex Tu (alextu) wrote :

GPU: Nvidia Device 1c8c
Tested Driver: nvidia driver 375.30

reproduce steps:
1. plug hdmi monitor on NV GPU.
2. $sudo pm-suspend to force suspending
3. press power to resume.
4. the garbage shows around window.

$ compize --replace could fix it.

Feedback from NV:
[NV]CH_0207] We would close this bug because it is an expected behavior. Currently, the contents of video memory are lost during system suspend & resume when using the NVIDIA Linux drivers. Applications, such as Unity, need to watch for events generated by the GLX_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge extension and re-upload any content in video memory.

related LP: #1653588