I've been running 14.04 for a few days now and the cpu usage at idle hovers between 22-45% ,about 95% with chromium open, 50% with nautilius, 90% WITH DASH for gods sake, 60% with compiz and about 85% with ubuntu tweak running. And the lag was so horrible i had to disable almost all animations and effects AND reduce all animation times to 50 ms AND animation time step to 2..
For a contrast idle cpu usage was 5% in 12.10 and 2% in windows xp..Ive tried almost everything,nothing works..
I use:
wipro little genius WLG7B1630V
core2duo @2 ghz
2 gb ddr2 ram @333mhz
512 mb SiS vga graphics with vesa: 6330 drivers
I've been running 14.04 for a few days now and the cpu usage at idle hovers between 22-45% ,about 95% with chromium open, 50% with nautilius, 90% WITH DASH for gods sake, 60% with compiz and about 85% with ubuntu tweak running. And the lag was so horrible i had to disable almost all animations and effects AND reduce all animation times to 50 ms AND animation time step to 2..
For a contrast idle cpu usage was 5% in 12.10 and 2% in windows xp..Ive tried almost everything,nothing works..
I use:
wipro little genius WLG7B1630V
core2duo @2 ghz
2 gb ddr2 ram @333mhz
512 mb SiS vga graphics with vesa: 6330 drivers
Any workarounds guys??