Predictably, there are a lot of windows stacked above the fullscreen window (google-chrome). I can easily ignore them because they're all off-screen. But this window is still a problem:
win 14: 3000003 1932x1212 +-6+-6, draw=Y
I have no idea what it is.
Predictably, there are a lot of windows stacked above the fullscreen window (google-chrome). I can easily ignore them because they're all off-screen. But this window is still a problem:
win 14: 3000003 1932x1212 +-6+-6, draw=Y
I have no idea what it is.
Window stack from top to topmost-fullscreen:
win 0: 14001ef gtk-window- decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=Y decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=n decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=Y decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=n decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=Y decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=n decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=Y decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=n decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=Y decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=n decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=Y decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=n decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=Y decorator 1x1 +-100+-100, draw=n
win 1: 14001ec gtk-window-
win 2: 140019b gtk-window-
win 3: 1400198 gtk-window-
win 4: 1400147 gtk-window-
win 5: 1400144 gtk-window-
win 6: 14000f3 gtk-window-
win 7: 14000f0 gtk-window-
win 8: 1400092 gtk-window-
win 9: 140008f gtk-window-
win 10: 140007d gtk-window-
win 11: 140007a gtk-window-
win 12: 1400049 gtk-window-
win 13: 1400026 gtk-window-
win 14: 3000003 1932x1212 +-6+-6, draw=Y
win 15: 3a000b3 google-chrome 1920x1200 +0+0, draw=Y