Regarding the initial report, right now I am wondering what kind of notifications show up next to the tray icon? Do they show up actually with tktray? Or is that maybe only on Windows?
Further, I don't know how/when PSI shows animates its tray icon.
I think we could add an option to the "Contact Actions" dialog tabs, like "animate tray icon".
When the user checks this, the animation is started.
For the tray, there is a 32x32 pixels icon used.
As far as I can see from the code, its the themes/Oxygen/icons/32x32/coccinella.png icon. So we would need a second icon with the wings open. v_2e could you create one?
Regarding the initial report, right now I am wondering what kind of notifications show up next to the tray icon? Do they show up actually with tktray? Or is that maybe only on Windows?
Further, I don't know how/when PSI shows animates its tray icon.
I think we could add an option to the "Contact Actions" dialog tabs, like "animate tray icon".
When the user checks this, the animation is started.
For the tray, there is a 32x32 pixels icon used. Oxygen/ icons/32x32/ coccinella. png icon. So we would need a second icon with the wings open. v_2e could you create one?
As far as I can see from the code, its the themes/