"Sander do you can build the tktray-1.3.8 on a Windows box, and maybe also on a MAC?"
As discovered Windows does not support the freedesktop standards and does not include X11 which is needed for tktray. Mac OS X can support X11, but this is not the default. So, it is better to not use tktray in Mac.
For Linux, I build the latest version on my 32 bit box (see attachment).
"Sander do you can build the tktray-1.3.8 on a Windows box, and maybe also on a MAC?"
As discovered Windows does not support the freedesktop standards and does not include X11 which is needed for tktray. Mac OS X can support X11, but this is not the default. So, it is better to not use tktray in Mac.
For Linux, I build the latest version on my 32 bit box (see attachment).