Excerpts from Kapil Thangavelu's message of Wed Aug 17 16:17:46 UTC 2011:
> Public bug reported:
> Ensemble currently defines an ensemble-branch environment option which
> allows specification of where to get ensemble code for machine
> deployments (limited to bzr published branches). At the moment we
> default to ppa package installation if this option is not specified.
> Its critical for the oneiric rellease that we have a mechanism that
> defaults to using the distro package, but allows specifying the ppa, or
> a branch. This should also rename the 'ensemble-branch' option to
> 'ensemble-origin'.
Can solve this and allow for private hosting by making ensemble-origin
flexible as either a branch (lp:xxx), a ppa:xxx, or an apt sources line:
Unspecified version should always mean the "latest available".
On a "higher order" note, I wonder if, for repeatability, we shouldn't
process all of this on the client side, and just build a deb or tarball
that is pushed into file storage.
Excerpts from Kapil Thangavelu's message of Wed Aug 17 16:17:46 UTC 2011:
> Public bug reported:
> Ensemble currently defines an ensemble-branch environment option which
> allows specification of where to get ensemble code for machine
> deployments (limited to bzr published branches). At the moment we
> default to ppa package installation if this option is not specified.
> Its critical for the oneiric rellease that we have a mechanism that
> defaults to using the distro package, but allows specifying the ppa, or
> a branch. This should also rename the 'ensemble-branch' option to
> 'ensemble-origin'.
Can solve this and allow for private hosting by making ensemble-origin
flexible as either a branch (lp:xxx), a ppa:xxx, or an apt sources line:
ensemble-origin: "deb http:// mymirror. internal/ ubuntu oneiric main"
ensemble-version: 0.5+306-0ubuntu1
ensemble-origin: lp:ensemble
ensemble-version: 306
ensemble-origin: ppa:ensemble/ppa
Unspecified version should always mean the "latest available".
On a "higher order" note, I wonder if, for repeatability, we shouldn't
process all of this on the client side, and just build a deb or tarball
that is pushed into file storage.